Just want to update with you guys that my new anthology, Night Visions, that I am a part of is due out next month. It is pubclished in germany and distributed worldwide.
well, night visions is a series after visoins, which was out last year. it is an anthology of contemporary male photography. basically, the publisher just invited me to be a part of it..i guess it sells well enough so they make a new one out and i am subsequently in it again.
i will put the images from the book once its out... so u can see.
Haha, i told u everyone of us is 'someone'
being 'someone' is a choice we give to ourselves.
but again, sometimes being 'no one' does give me much satisfaction, so i can pretend not to know or hear anyone..
ironically, a 'someone' is also a 'no one'. its just mere perspective and perception people assert to one another.....at core, being who u r is the most important...whether someone or no one. just be you!!
almost 17 years
My name is Ohm. I am an artist.
I am here to share my vision to the world.
I believe that without art, life is never fully lived.
And I also believe in
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