Official Artist
O H M Photography
Director , Screenwriter , Photographer
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I felt thankful to be able to get away to the beach on my BD with my dear friend Quinn. Although I was sick because of food poisoning and seeing so many old white men with young prostitutes..

It makes me reflecting on life and certain direction we choose to live and walk. Differences in all of us make life more colorful and exciting.....I guess the key in life is to be alive and to live to its fullest.. After all, nothing would ever matter if we don't get to live, see, and experience it with our own eyes.

I also went to see Dan in real life, the movie last night. It was quite impactful and make me think. So I really recommend it.. Not the most profound movie ever made, yet the simplicity and subtelty of it will make you take a second look at life...

Until next time,



about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Happy belated Bday. Sorry about the food poisoning. I hope you feel better soon.
about 17 years ago
Photo 23160
Ohm - miss you alot bro. Can't wait to see you again and catch up. Where have you been traveling old friend? Blog me back ;) Pat
almost 17 years ago


My name is Ohm. I am an artist. I am here to share my vision to the world. I believe that without art, life is never fully lived. And I also believe in

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english, thai
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Member Since
September 14, 2007