O H M Photography
导演, 编剧, 摄影师
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Just who is OHM???

Hello everyone,

My name is Ohm Phanphiroj, and I am an artist (photographer/filmmaker) and a professor in photography, as well as a freelance photographer and creative director. Originally from Bangkok, Thailand, I now split time between Bangkok, New York, and Atlanta.

I am a US resident. Currently, however, I 've spent most of my times in Bangkok trying to sort things out and looking for my next market.

I have published books worldwide. To date, I have published 5 photo books (three solos, two with others), and 3 poetry books. My publisher is Bruno Gmunder, Germany.

My current book, Night Hawks, is due out the end of September 07. If you are into art and photography of male fashion, check it out and let me know what you think.

I joined this site cause my good friend, Pat Lee introduced me to it. I hope to make lots of new creative friends who can share experiences and to support one another in this small circled art community.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

My site is www.ohmphotography.com

or www.myspace.com/ohmphotography

Or email me at ohmphotography@aol.com or add me on msn.

My Aim is Ohmphotography


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17 年多 ago


My name is Ohm. I am an artist. I am here to share my vision to the world. I believe that without art, life is never fully lived. And I also believe in


english, thai
New York City, United States
September 14, 2007