Official Artist
Norm Yip
Painter , Photographer , Author
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3.AM book launch party pics

Putting a book together is no small task, and as they say, the real work comes after the book is printed and published. You need to get the word out. So my first little event was the book launch of The Asian Male - 3.AM, which was held at the quaint and hip Culture Club this past Thursday. Attended by fans and new faces, and including several models from the book, it was a blast. Thank to everyone that came and showed their support. 

For those in the dark about what the book is about, it's my third photography book using the Asian Male face and body as my chosen subject. Mostly all the images are of the nude, exemplifying the beauty and sensuality of the male form. There is a touch of fashion, some erotica and bondage images. To get a sense of the work that I do, you can see some images at http://theasianmale.com, but I'll post some shots later. The work is very personal and I'm more classically trained as far as my approach to how I see and capture an image. I'm not fond of overly manipulated (photoshopped) images, but on the rare occasion. 

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Never in my dreams as a little child did I ever think I would come to live, work and play in Hong Kong. Born in Canada to Chinese parents, I moved here in 1994

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english, cantonese
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Hong Kong
Member Since
May 31, 2007