Experience the benefits of ancient Taichi and Qigong: better functions of internal organs and increased energy who wants rejuvenate health, stress management, increase vitality, enhance body mind connection, increase IQ, awaken healing power and use sexual energy to enhance sport, business ideas, studies and all we do that requires extra energy. price is 500 MOP or HK dollars per 4 classes , wednesdays at 20:30 to 21:30 wear comfortable clothing and something warm, plus bring water with you. See you, share good Qi 太極拳 by 教练馬司洋 Nikola Maricic, 澳門中國武術太極拳氣功 by 教练馬司洋 https://www.facebook.com/events/357771334685022/ www.wushunikolas.wordpress.com www.taekwondonikolas.wordpress.com 66882452 微信 wechat id : wushunikolas learn taichi and qigong as well as taekwondo in Macau, China with coach Nikola Maricic www.facebook.com/nikola.maricic.3914 www.instagram.com/wushunikolas
artist, actor, and coach for artists