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Dong Yue Taijiquan


 One of best Tai Chi masters today Professors Men Hui Feng and Kan Gui Xiang in Hong Kong at Jao Tsung-I Academy

"Professor Men Huifeng, Kan Guixiang martial arts achievements Exhibition" opening ceremony  Dongyue Taijiquan Cultural Center, was held November 28 in Hong Kong, Professor Men Huifeng, Professor Kan Guixiang two Grandmasters personally visited Hong Kong, took the rare opportunity to experience the special arrangements for the exchange of courses, taught by two Tai Chi Taijiquan masters.


With Grandmasters Professor Kan Gui Xiang, Professor Men Hui Feng , Grandmaster Cui Zhong San, Master and Champion Men Gan Hong, Chinese Wushu Association president Gao Xiao Jun, wushu greatest Li Jie, Wang You Tong laoshi, Zhang Qiuping. Also master coach Nikola Maricic from Macau attended the event as a guest.  Professor Men Hui Feng, is one of the founders of 24, 48, 42 competition forms, also 32, 42 Sword Forms. Dong Yue Tai Ji Quan (East Mountain Tai Chi Quan) was created by the professor and his wife, Kan Gui Xiang, from their life experiences; learning, practicing and teaching. Professor Men is of the ten top Wushu professors in China, and Vice President of the Chinese National Wushu Association. He's also the author of many martial arts books, which are used in all Chinese Physical Universities. Professor Kan Gui Xiang, is the founder of 42 Sword Form, and 56 Chen Style Tai Ji Quan; both International Competition Forms. In 2000, she was on the cover of an American Tai Chi magazine. They've both trained many champions at world martial arts competitions. They're both renowned in the world of Martial Arts. Kan, GuiXiang is famous professor on Wu Shu  in Beijing Physical Education University. She is also Wu Shu nine Duan in China, which is the highest Wu Shu level in China.. She learned Chen-Style Tai Chi Quan from Master Tian, XiuChen, who was, in turn, one of the best students of Chen-Style Tai Chi Master Chen, FaKe. Professor Kan wrote over 20 books, among them “Chen-Style 36 movements Tai Chi Quan”, “Chen-Style Tai Chi Quan for Competition”, “42 Movements  Tai Chi Sword” have been broadly used and received in all of the world.Master Kan has been working with her husband, Professor Men, HuiFeng, in editing a brand new style of Tai Chi Movement, which now is called “Dong Yue Tai Chi System”. It also was officially listed in standard Tai Chi systems by Tai Chi Quan association of China.January 1st, 2000, as the first sunray was shining the land of China, Professor Men played Dong Yue Tai Chi on the top of the mountain Tai Shan. Because Tai Shan mountain is called “Dong Yue” by Chinese, the Tai Chi professor Men played then was named Dong Yue Tai Chi Quan following the name of the mountain. At that moment there were about 4 billion people in mire than 40 countries who watched this special program, which simply means that Dong Yue Tai Chi Quan has been facing the whole world since it was just born.

Dong Yue Tai Chi Quan has 15 movements. Although it is simple and easy to learn, it contains all 5 major styles of Tai Chi – Chen, Yang, Wu (1), Wu (2), and Sun, and becomes a brand new and independent style.

Dong Yue Tai Chi emphasizes to combine universe, mountain and human being together becoming a one entity. Once starting movements, the player would stand firmly as the mountain Tai Shan, feel holding sun and moon in his/her arms, make circular movements as much as he/she could. In this way, the player would improve his/her health gradually.

Master Men, GanHong is Master Kan’s daughter. She started to learn Wu Shu since she was only 5 years old. She was awarded the first place in Asia and in China with both Chen-Style and Sun-Style Tai Chi Quan.Hong Kong Organiser is Dong Yue Taichi Quan International Federation Dong Yue Tai chi Studio by Master Gabriel C. M. Yu www.dongyuetaijiquan.com


尼古拉斯基本功练习  Nikola Maricic , master coach warm up routine in Beijing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AegGtJgl6SE&; Taijiquan seminar with Grandmaster Cui Zhong San 崔仲三, Yang Lu Chan lineage . Seminar was held at Chinese Wushu Association training center. Many seminars offered by best of China Wushu , also Chinese Wushu Association president Gao Xiao Jun and Jet Li coach Wu Bin were present during all days. It is a great Hornor that Master Cui Zhong San led Tai Chi Demo for China and India Primier in Heaven Temple Beijing, on May, 2015.  Master Cui Zhong San is representing China Tai Ji to China and India Leader Master Cui Zhong San led Tai Chi Demo for Primier Li Ke Qiang in Heaven Temple 2015, May https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOyUfXQcDZQ  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y__IsqkuwDI  This is a beautiful Yang style Tai Chi class taught by Master Cui in Zhongshan park near the Forbidden city.  教练馬司洋 coach Nikola Maricic 氣功太極拳澳門 Wushu Taiji Qigong teaching in Macau中国武协三届主席齐聚高小军,李杰,崔仲三, 张耀庭先生。加上各界领导,突然变成了高峰论坛~附与张耀庭先生合照同机达港中国武术协会历届主席张耀庭,李杰,崔仲三, 高小军及国际广播电台王友唐老师。 应邀参加东岳太极拳国际总会成立大会。


門惠豐 闞桂香教授太極體驗及交流課程 2015-11-26「門惠豐、闞桂香教授武術成果匯展」暨東岳太極拳文化館開館慶典,即將在11月28日於香港隆重舉行,門惠豐、闞桂香兩位教授將會親自到訪香港,趁此難得機會,特安排體驗交流課程,由兩位太極大師講授太極拳。



中国武术协会历届主席张耀庭,李杰,高小军及国际广播电台王友唐老师。 同机达港中国武术协会历届主席张耀庭,李杰,高小军及国际广播电台王友唐老师。 中国武协三届主席齐聚高小军,李杰,崔仲三, 张耀庭先生。加上各界领导,突然变成了高峰论坛~附与张耀庭先生合照同机达港中国武术协会历届主席张耀庭,李杰,崔仲三, 高小军及国际广播电台王友唐老师。 应邀参加东岳太极拳国际总会成立大会。



門惠豐、闞桂香教授武術成果匯展 「門惠豐、闞桂香教授武術成果匯展」將於11月28日至12月20日在香港九龍饒宗頤文化館隆重舉行。今次展覽將以圖片和視頻的形式展示兩位教授對中國武術運動發展的重要貢獻,進而傳播中國文化的重要組成部分——「武文化」。屆時將有來自國家的武術機關官員、著名的武術界同輩和國內、海外的後學光臨開幕禮。門惠豐、闞桂香教授武術成果匯展 「門惠豐、闞桂香教授武術成果匯展」將於11月28日至12月20日在香港九龍饒宗頤文化館隆重舉行。今次展覽將以圖片和視頻的形式展示兩位教授對中國武術運動發展的重要貢獻,進而傳播中國文化的重要組成部分——「武文化」。屆時將有來自國家的武術機關官員、著名的武術界同輩和國內、海外的後學光臨開幕禮。





主講人門敢紅畢業於北京體育大學,武術七段,在中國太極拳錦標賽和世界武術邀請賽上多次獲得冠軍,曾任北京武術院教練,並在過去的十年裏作為國家裁判,頻繁參加國際賽事活動。 門敢紅出生於中國武術世家,她的父親門惠豐是中國十大武術名人之一,也是李連傑的武術老師,在中國創編了四十八式太極拳、東嶽太極拳等。門敢紅旅居韓國,目前與她的韓籍夫婿、亞運會太極拳全能冠軍梁成贊經營一家太極武術院,致力於太極拳的推廣普及工作。


在演講中,門敢紅女士主要給聽眾介紹了下面四個方面的內容: 什麼是太極拳,太極拳與傳統文化,幾大門派的特點,還有自創的東嶽太極拳。


太極拳與其它運動不同,它是一個修身養性的運動。太極拳註重內外兼修,融健身與修身養性於一體,其一招一式,似行雲流水,動中求靜,剛柔相濟,蘊含著豐富的中國傳統哲學思想和倫理觀念。太極拳不僅僅是一種拳術,它更是一種文化,可以說,文化才是太極的靈魂,了解太極拳,欣賞它的美,有助陶冶性情,感悟人生哲理。門敢紅女士用精、氣、神三個字概括了太極拳內功修煉的層次與境界,做到凝神、放松、自然、圓整,所謂「煉精化氣、練氣化神、煉神還虛、煉虛合道」 精氣神合一。


除了解釋陳氏太極拳與楊氏太極拳的異同,門女士還著重介紹了東嶽太極拳的來龍去脈。2000年世紀之交,為準備迎接「人類進入新世紀特別節目」,中國中央電視台選定在泰山極頂演練太極拳,由直升飛機繞頂拍攝,並通過衛星向全世界直播。門敢紅女士的父親門惠豐教授應邀來完成這一任務, 他與夫人闞桂香(可以想見門敢紅名字的來源!)在泰山上,為體現人與天、與山勢融為一體的浩然之氣,創編了東嶽太極拳。於2000年第一個黎明,在風力很大、下面是萬丈懸崖、又只有六米直徑的泰山極頂上,門惠豐教授成功的演練了東嶽太極拳,通過衛星向全世界播映,在太極拳史上留下了燦爛的一頁。






同机达港中国武术协会历届主席张耀庭,李杰,高小军及国际广播电台王友唐老师。 应邀参加东岳太极拳国际总会成立大会。



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artist, actor, and coach for artists


Macao, China
December 11, 2007