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Beijing Wushu Photos

30 years Chinese Wushu practitioner in China event

第十期名家讲堂招生        中华武术大学堂名家讲堂十年庆典

Had such amazing training time, and also amazing lectures and performers, the best Wushu GrandMasters and coaches in China and the World. Grandmaster Cui Zhong San training and explanations are so detailed and clear, practical and following the prinicples of best taijiquan, helping us all to understand the use of taijiquan to life , sport, study, teaching, other sports, and all people there acted as family wich makes us all come back again and again. Highly recommend for everyone to attend and learn. Even if dont speak and understand Chinese language, can get a lot of benefits and rewards with meeting Chinese culture, and training also meeting wonderfull people there. 

Sure to me as an master coach is practical to teach better now to my students and share more also would love my students to join next year and every year ahead.

http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1269642 it was a great experince of everyday hard training in martial arts wushu, that are so healthy anyone can benefit from but require attention and discipline. Beautiful Chinese culture shared here, and at closing ceremony every group did something other then Wushu , like dancing, singing,... you should come next year. I am sure i will. See you and see the video , share it , enjoy

More photos at

https://macauqigongfitness.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/beijing-chinese-wushu-association-10th-event/ and www.facebook.com/macaufitness

尼古拉斯基本功练习 Nikola Maricic , master coach warm up routine in Beijing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AegGtJgl6SE& Taijiquan seminar with Grandmaster Cui Zhong San 崔仲三, Yang Lu Chan lineage . Seminar was held at Chinese Wushu Association training center. Many seminars offered by best of China Wushu , also Chinese Wushu Association president Gao Xiao Jun and Jet Li coach Wu Bin were present during all days. It is a great Hornor that Master Cui Zhong San led Tai Chi Demo for China and India Primier in Heaven Temple Beijing, on May, 2015.

Master Cui Zhong San is representing China Tai Ji to China and India Leader Master Cui Zhong San led Tai Chi Demo for Primier Li Ke Qiang in Heaven Temple 2015, May https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOyUfXQcDZQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y\\\_\\\_IsqkuwDI This is a beautiful Yang style Tai Chi class taught by Master Cui in Zhongshan park near the Forbidden city.

it was a great experince of everyday hard training in martial arts wushu, that are so healthy anyone can benefit from but require attention and discipline. Beautiful Chinese culture shared here, and at closing ceremony every group did something other then Wushu , like dancing, singing,... you should come next year. I am sure i will. See you and see the video , share it , enjoy

More photos at https://macauqigongfitness.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/beijing-chinese-wushu-association-10th-event/ and www.facebook.com/macaufitness

2015年正值《中华武术》杂志、国家武术运动管理中心社会部联合主办武术名家大讲堂十年 盛典,数十位各流派武术名家汇集一堂。崔仲三老师是唯一一位连续十年加盟名家讲堂的武术家。为感谢崔仲三老师对名家讲堂做出的贡献,大会向崔仲三老师颁发 “金牌导师”证书和“突出贡献导师”证书。原中国武术协会主席李杰先生寄语崔仲三老师“为武术呕心沥血 育英才再立新功”。(150904)

由《中华武术》杂志、国家武术运动管理中心社会部联合主办为期五天的第十期武术名家大讲 堂,9月4日在北京昌平香堂国际农业观光园圆满结束。今年大讲堂正值十年盛典,三届中国武术协会主席张耀庭、李杰、高小军共同出席活动;太极名家陈小旺、 傅声远、崔仲三、曾乃梁等以及著名武术家吴彬及专程从国内外各地赶来参会的数十位各流派武术名家汇集。



教练馬司洋 coach Nikola Maricic 氣功太極拳澳門 Wushu Taiji Qigong teaching in Macau, Hong Kong and available for workshops in Beijing, Shenzhen, Zhong San, Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Hunan Hengyang, Hebei Shijiazhuang, Hubei Shiyan Wudang Mountains, Henan Jiaozuo Zhengzhou Shaolin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Jilin Changzhun, Nanning, Kunming, Yunnan, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Liaoning Shenyang, Chengdu Sichuan, Chongqing, Toronto Canada, Dusseldorf Germany, Taipei Taiwan, Wuhan, Osaka Japan, and your city in the World

Book classes or workshop in your city Wechat weixin / line id wushunikolas Mobile 00853 66 88 2452

e-mail kamenjak@hotmail.com wushunikolas@hotmail.com here is short video of Beijing activities of Nikola Maricic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjwUDgbB6bo&

第十期名家讲堂招生 中华武术大学堂名家讲堂十年庆典

1.陈小旺班 2.傅声远、傅清泉班 3. 曾乃梁班 4.崔仲三班 5.于海班 6.韩建中 班

张全亮班 8.刘伟班 9. 和有禄班 10.李斌班 11.黄康辉班 12. 高佳敏班 13. 陈思坦班


Tenth Masters Forum Admissions Chinese martial arts masters large school auditorium celebration of ten years

1. Chénxiǎowàng class 2. Fùshēngyuǎn, fù qīngquán class 3. Zeng Nailiang Class 4. Cui Zhong San Class 5. Yu Hai Ban Class 6. Han Jian Zhong Mei Hua Quan classes

Zhang Quanliang class 8. Liu Wei class 9. Hé yǒu lù class 10. Lǐbīn class 11. Huáng kānghuī class 12. Gāojiāmǐn class 13. Chénsītǎn class

Taijiquan Theory and Practice Seminar

师 父和师兄弟姐妹好!吉林八名拳友这次大讲堂的学习收获多多,听师父讲了拳理拳法,学习了杨式108拳,又复习规范了传统杨式46式太极刀,同时结识了海内 外朋友,大家一起学习切磋,加深了感情!并且吉林刘忠峰也加入我们的杨式门,9月3日刘忠峰获大讲堂特等奖,获高清摄像机一台,他高兴的说是托师父的福, 因为师父是十年大讲堂金牌教练!我们回去后要积极开展杨式太极活动,团结一心,发展崔派队伍,做出自己的努力!再次感谢师父,也同时感谢师母为我们做了很 多幕后的帮助!感谢袁淑霞班长,感谢助教,感谢志愿者,感谢为大讲堂做出奉献的施娟等拳友你们辛苦啦!我代表吉林拳友:向你们致敬!


尼 古拉斯基本功练习 第十期名家讲堂招生 中华武术大学堂名家讲堂十年庆典 将邀请所有曾任讲堂主讲的名家与学员欢聚。“太极皇后”高佳敏、“太极王子”陈思坦美国归来首次加盟,讲堂期间仍将进行武术段位考评及指导员考评 第十期太极拳名家讲堂 第六期技击名家讲堂 第三期螳螂拳名家讲堂 第二期太极拳理论与实践研修班 主办:《中华武术》杂志 国家体育总局武术运动管理中心社会部 主办 学习时间 2015年8月30日至9月4日 学习地点 北京昌平区香堂国际农业观光园 学习期间,将邀请著名武术传人进行名家讲座、名家答疑,举行学员与名家联谊会、名家作品签售及我与《中华武术》征文等活动。学习结束后,将颁发由《中华武 术》杂志和主讲名家签发的结业证书。 1.陈小旺班 主讲:陈小旺——陈式太极拳著名传人,陈家沟 “四大金刚”之一。 内容:陈式太极拳。 2.傅声远、傅清泉班 主讲:傅声远——杨式太极拳著名传人,太极拳大家傅钟文之子。 傅清泉——杨式太极拳著名传人,太极拳大家傅钟文之嫡孙。 内容:杨式太极拳循环8势、杨式太极拳精炼28势、杨式太极拳传统85势,中级推手。 3. 曾乃梁班 主讲:曾乃梁——太极拳著名冠军教练。 内容:太极推手,28式太极对练、52式太极对练(每位学员只能选一种对练)、16式太极拳。 4.崔仲三班 主讲:崔仲三——杨式太极拳著名传人,太极拳大家崔毅士之嫡孙。 内容:传统108式太极拳内功修炼法及开合推手的运用。 5.于海班 主讲:于海——著名螳螂拳传人、著名武打影视演员。内容:汇宗螳螂拳精讲。 6.韩建中班 主讲:韩建中——中国人民公安大学高级教官、著名技击家、梅花桩拳传人。 内容:武术搏击中的拳腿摔技术、传统武术擒拿术及梅花桩拳套路和对练。 7. 张全亮班 主讲:张全亮——吴式太极拳著名传人、太极拳名家王培生高足。 内容:王培生传吴式太极拳37式,太极八法的练习方法和用法。 8.刘伟班 主讲:刘伟——吴式太极拳著名传人、太极名家李秉慈之高足,九届太极拳全国冠军蝉联者。 内容:吴式太极拳体用结合。 9. 和有禄班 主讲:和有禄——和式太极拳著名传人。 内容:和式太极拳传统套路和段位制相关内容。 10.李斌班 主讲:李斌——孙式太极拳著名传人。 内容:孙式太极拳58式、孙式太极拳养生功法 11.黄康辉班 主讲:黄康辉——陈式太极拳著名传人,八届全国太极拳推手冠军获得者,陈式太极拳名家洪均生再传弟子。 内容:陈式太极拳段位套路、竞技推手的规则和技术。 12. 高佳敏班 主讲:高佳敏——太极拳大满冠获得者,“十大武星”之一,被誉为“太极女皇”。 内容:42式太极拳、24式太极拳。 13. 陈思坦班 主讲:陈思坦——太极拳大满冠获得者,被誉为“太极王子”。 内容:42式太极剑、32式太极剑。 14. 太极拳理论与实践研修班 主讲:李建伟——北京太极山庄文化研究会顾问,田秀臣、李经梧亲传弟子;康伟——田秀臣再 传弟子;陈敬东——田秀臣再传弟子。 内容:太极拳基本理论解读、太极拳基本功法训练、运用太极理论进行实操训练;老学员进行太极推手基本训练。 1.填写报名登记表(见《中华武术》杂志或《中华武术》网站,网址为:www.zhwushu.com,也可来函来电索取,复印有效)。 报名表发送可通过以下方式: A.邮寄地址:北京市东城区体育馆路8号《中华武术》杂志 龚建新 收 邮编:100061 九、联系办法 Coach Nikola was stand in actor for Woody Harrelson in new movie Now You See me 2 second act , playing in Venetian, Sands, Old Macau Streets, Grand Lisboa , Science Center, Wynn

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artist, actor, and coach for artists


Macao, China
December 11, 2007