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my new toy

This is a camera lens adapter to DV camera, which can use a camera len in DV. I did some experiment and made it for 2 weeks. The result of this is to make DV with DOF(depth of Field). This is really a low cost way, but the outcome is pretty good. The lens i am using is a Nikon 50 mm 1.4. But the problem is, setting is so trouble, no auto focus, also a zoom lens will make it so much more expensive. But well, it's all about fun. If you wanna try, try to search the way to make it in the internet, there are many resourse. Can you see the difference?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APpoGnqVkZI

over 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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