Official Artist
Nick Chin
Director , Producer
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Press Reviews of Magazine Gap Road: IFC screenings in NY

"As Hong Kong independent productions go, Magazine Gap Road's lush outlook and polished execution could easily shame more than a few of its mainstream counterparts...London born director Nicholas Chin manages to awe the audience with arresting visuals alone in this, his feature debut"- TIME OUT

"Magazine Gap Road is one of the boldest Hong Kong-based films released by a first-time director in years...It's a remarkable breath of fresh air in a movie market that's beginning to recover from a long slumber ,  - MENISCUS MAGAZINE

There's something seductively fascinating about the chilly spareness and cryptic allusiveness of Magazine Gap Road..a formally precise yet emotionally resonant thriller about going to the extremes while escaping the past" - HOUSTON CHRONICLE

"The movie is beautiful, gorgeously shot, especially for such a micro-budget. It's a noir, it's intelligent noir. Remember in the 90s there were all those kinda smart, not jaw-dropping noir movies that were coming out in the US, like the The Last Seduction? This is like one of those. - L MAGAZINE

"(director) has a fine eye for composition here, adding a painterly flourish... His Hong Kong isn't the noisome welter of confusion we're accustomed to seeing, but a serene vista which his characters live- literally, metaphorically - high above"- BLACK BOOK MAGAZINE

"...the subject may be grimy, the treatment is anything but - Chin presents some of the most gorgeous views of Hong Kong I've seen in years..."  - CINEMA STRIKES BACK 

 "Nicholas Chin's gorgeous exploration of Asia's high-priced sex trade, Magazine Gap Road, show how Hong Kong's film industry is rebounding creatively after hitting rock bottom" - Jeff Yang, WNYC

 "Surprisingly assured...Magazine Gap Road does something different...giving us a character piece that is low on action, but high in quality. It is a film about people's capacity to change and what they are willing to do to survive" - TWITCH

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Looking forward to seeing this in August @ the Grand.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool. sounds interesting.
over 14 years ago
Photo 481880
I started to watch the DVD of Magazine Gap Road today and I just noticed the pull quote on the cover from our magazine (Meniscus), among other citations and links. Thanks and all the best of luck in your future projects!
almost 13 years ago


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