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Nicholas Chee
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This Buddhist Film Festival

FilmFest small4 This Buddhist Film Festival

This Open Call invites film submissions worldwide for the Thus Have I Seen

Buddhist Film Festival 2012 (THIS BFF).

THIS BFF aims to promote awareness of the Buddha’s timeless Teachings

and the diversity of Buddhist cultures around the world through the use of film,

a contemporary medium. THIS BFF seeks films that, through good

storytelling and production values,

 Contemplate on the Buddhist philosophy and way of life;

 Introduce the immense cultural diversity of a 2,500 year-old religion

that has grown from being a missionary order in ancient India to

become a global religion today.

Films selected for showcase in the week – long festival will be a mix of invited

works curated by the Organiser and works selected from the Open Call.

THIS BFF is non-competitive and no prizes or awards will be presented. Films

may be in any language. However, non-English dialogue films must be

subtitled in English. We accept screening formats on 35mm, Digital Beta and

Betacam SP.

THIS BFF welcomes relevant films from any period.

Download the submission form here.

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August 28, 2007