Official Artist
Nadine Truong
Director , Screenwriter
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Our friends and family are very global. When we got married back in December, it was clear that we would not be able to ask everyone to come to one place, so we made it a point to have several little parties for different groups per geography. Today, we will be celebrating with @briflys's Chinese side of the family and some Bay Area friends. I wanted to share with you a picture of one of the beautiful wedding gifts my mother-in-law gave me. This exquisite bracelet is part of a set and might be the fanciest jewelry I have ever had on me. I'm not usually a diamond person for various reasons, but I am in love with these as they are so personal, beautiful, and remind me of family love. I'm also kind of blown away when people trust me with expensive things. I usually break or lose them! #family #love

over 8 years ago 44 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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June 5, 2009