Nadia Hatta
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The Miracle of Life-Let’s pray for Japan.

sandeepr1991585 300x285 The Miracle of Life Lets pray for Japan.Let's pray for our Future.

In the last few weeks, I’ve been bombarded with either the news of engagement, pregnancy and/or death every single day in my circle of friends.  Not a day goes by, I’m not pulled on an external emotional train to celebrate love, shriek with giddiness about new life coming into the world or mourn with someone for their loss.  All this simultaneously with the Oscars, the Grammys, the Asian Film Awards, Chinese New Year AND the global natural disasters that plague us- not to mention the recent horrific tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan.  Everyday there is a survivor found and we celebrate.  Everyday a victim is claimed by the disaster and we mourn for their families.

It makes one wonder: which emotion is relevant and respectful on an daily life?

CHobbes On Life 1024x733 The Miracle of Life Lets pray for Japan.Miracle of Life

Calvin and Hobbes Cartoon’s animated philosophical glimpse of life and death reminds me to coexist with pain- to accept the realities of the global disasters without becoming numb to it,  while managing a smile through the tragedies.  Death is a part of life and sadly, it takes many lives before the lives have blossomed.  For those of us who are blessed to have more time on Earth, let’s remember to be sincerely grateful for the miracle of life while we are praying for those who have lost theirs.

How to Donate to the Japan Relief

… Or you can continue to make your donations through prayer and peace on your everyday life. (Maybe one day, we won’t need to build nuclear power plants and can actually build a peaceful future.)

IMG 1373 300x225 The Miracle of Life Lets pray for Japan.Nadia passes you a rainbow.

XXX, Nadia 瑀希

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
C&H, what a classic!
接近 14 年 ago
Photo 30783
good post! and yes.. calvin and hobbes!
接近 14 年 ago


Tune in on MTV Asia's 天赖村 every day for my latest work! www.nadiahatta.com


english, mandarin, french, itallian
January 31, 2008