This is one of my most favorite, if not my FAVORITE character to play on stage, EVER. “Short Eyes” was adapted for Female characters and I played one of the leads, ‘Ice,’ an African American lesbian woman who was in prison for selling MJ. I learned Ebonics, history, gestures and even had a temporary panther tattoo and corn-rolls as my homework!! I absolutely loved it. Special Thanks to Sol Crespo for casting me.
Nadia as "Ice" Short Eyes NYC 2003
在這個紐約製作舞台戲”ShortEyes“我演ICE,一個美國同志黑人囚犯 (因為賣了毒品)。喔,這是我表演演出經念其中最愛的角色。我學埃伯尼語(黑人口語),美國黑人歷史,還貼個暫時野貌紋身花刺在身上,認真吧?但是演出的感覺是一種極端的幸福。感恩導演Sol Crespo 給我這個機會。
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