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My Love Puzzle
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恩与鱼 → 道法自然 起居有礼

周六有去钓鱼 坐在湖边的大石 看到鱼儿们在水波下面快速的游走 此时世界被放大

水底不时反射出鱼儿银色的光亮 还看到河里有兵士一样的龙虾

银色的鱼 总令人联想到财富 都在水下游的

也很喜欢吃螃蟹和贝类 然后很喜欢我从前吉它上镶嵌的七彩的贝壳


自小时候 这是第一次静下心来钓鱼 在注视鱼漂的时候 很短都可以觉得很长

如果爱情是一种恩的回报 那么这种等待是甜蜜且折磨人的


在渔者的领地 鱼儿争食着免费的午餐 承受着这份恩 然后鱼群中献祭出被钓的鱼儿 这是鱼儿的报恩 残酷的说就是代价

渔者中的高手用很少的饵 钓出很多的鱼 还有我们这样的菜鸟 花费很多的食物 换很小的鱼


这是世界的规则吧 鱼儿们的报恩也是各得其所 享受各自的一份

如果有时间 希望下次可以多坐些时间 真正有一尾大鱼 会始终出现在我的怀中


要有合适的工具 合适的准备 合适的时间 合适的机缘 合适的轻松与自在


Saturday sitting in a fishing lake to see the high water wave in the fish were below the rapid migration at this time the world was to enlarge

Underwater from time to time, reflecting the bright silver fish also saw the river as a soldier of the lobster

Silver reminiscent of the fish to the water wealth in the lower reaches of the

Also like to eat crabs and shellfish and then like I used guitar on the colorful mosaic of shellfish

Since childhood This is the first time Jingxiaxinlai Yupiao monitor fishing in a very short time can feel very long

If love is a TU waiting for the return of this is so sweet and tortured the people

In the territory of fish and fisheries Zhengsi a free lunch and then bear the TU sacrifice to fish in the fish catch was that the fish is Boeun said that the cruel price

Fisheries experts who rarely used the bait to catch many fish there are the rookie we spend a lot of food for small fish

This is the world's rules bar the fish is properly provided for the enjoyment of their respective Boeun a

If there is hope that the next time can have more time to really take a big fish will always appear in my arms

Have the appropriate tools suitable preparations for the appropriate time the appropriate opportunity suitable relaxed and comfortable

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
over 16 years ago


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May 15, 2007