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My Love Puzzle
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我最初听到迷乐队的首张专辑《时间》的时候,我被深深感动了:他们代表了伴随着网络、手机、蹦迪、摇滚乐长大的一代人,这里一代人的合唱,唱出了属于他们的生活,展示了他们的思想和脆弱,这种脆弱拒绝着迷离。他们把录音棚称着暖棚,从暖棚里流淌出来的音乐可以把一种向导般的力量传递给正在迷失的年轻人,给他们上进和温暖的感觉。prefix = o /

因为这些纯粹音乐的元素,又怎能不让人迷恋、迷醉呢?正如他们自己所说,之所以叫迷乐队,是用迷这个词来纪念曾经有段迷茫的岁月。而长长短短、坎坎坷坷的岁月里,谁又不曾有过迷惑、迷失、迷离、迷茫呢?因此,《时间》甫一面世,就引起了很多人的强烈共鸣。  不鸣则已,一鸣惊人,并对未来充满憧憬,迷乐队能有今天,不是偶尔得之。我以为,业界对他们予以肯定和抱有期望,最关键的一点在于他们对生活和艺术有着严肃的态度。关于生活,他们认为,一个对社会毫无贡献的人是自私的,写出的音乐也只会无病呻吟、怨天尤人;“从没奢望有免费午餐”,年轻人要有理想,但也一定要脚踏实地。关于工作,他们又说,必须融入生活,才能创作出鲜活的音乐,才能说出同龄人的话,——摇滚的生命力就在于扎根生活。因而有了这番对于生活和艺术的颖悟和历炼,迷乐队的音乐才引人喝彩。

四川新闻网-眉山日报讯  江山

I first heard the band crowds the first album, "Time", I was deeply moved : they represent the associated networks, phone, Chengdi, rock the generation who grew up here generation choir, singing belonging to their lives, They demonstrate the ideological and fragile, and this vulnerability refused to creepy. They said a recording studio shed. Warm Lane flows from the music can be a guide as to the transfer of power is being lost to young people. themselves and give them a warm feeling. Because these purely musical elements, how can people not fascinated, fascinated? As they themselves said that the reason why the band told the crowds, the crowds are used to commemorate the word had lost of time. And ceramics, Bumpy Road uneven years, who had had not confused, lose, creepy and confused? Therefore, the "time" Soon after it was published, aroused a lot of men. Not who has amazed yearning for a better future, the band will be the crowds today, not occasionally be shared. I think that the industry will certainly be right and they have expectations The most crucial point is their life and the arts have a serious attitude. Of life, they think, a contributing nothing to society who is selfish, to write the music will only making a fuss. occur; "never expect a free lunch", the young people have ideals, but must also down-to-earth. On the work, they say, to be integrated into the life and be able to create a lively music, peer to what people say, -- Rock lies in the vitality of life to take root. With what result for the life and the arts and slightly cooler, the crowds band music from soliciting cheers. Sichuan News-Journal Meishan appear Jiangshan

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almost 18 years ago


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