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My Love Puzzle
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感受蘋果的前世今生就算那一個小小的被新生果蟲咬一口的疤痕都有說不盡的故事。 。 。


Which is forgotten drawer of the writer only decomposed release said Apple will be inspired

Apple picked up a smell and hear the Biqiwenjing immediately to a lot of really fresh taste World may also remember a certain girls blush white with red skin Rang

Spring easily to the beautiful feeling is not just as inexperienced children only know that he is enjoying growing sense of waiting for the first baby in March Yichangyu always so romantic life of the woman in March of Health would like the romantic

Growth of seedlings just like to be filled with love most of the attention this naive romantic seedlings were also reflected in the Greenhouse and in their own small accessories, like the wilderness to let romantic visible in the shoot around


Spring is the solar evaporation of all the glaciers in the first year and will surely be Laladafangchuchudongren bride in the bridal chamber in the autumn sowing the seeds of the coming year to decide on the retention or abolition

Apple's Lives, Many Masters feelings even if it was a small one new fruit Chongyao scars have said countless stories. . .

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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May 15, 2007