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Justin Timberlake Manager Johnny Wright at Music Matters

We thought you would be interested to hear the brilliant news that Justin Timberlake's manager Johnny Wright

is taking time out from mentoring some of our most loved musical icons to join us at Music Matters next month. Aside from JT he has stewarded the careers of New Kids on the Block, the Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Jonas Brothers, Janet Jackson and Britney Spears. We think we have the right to be excited!

Here's his interview in last month's Billboard Magazine.

It's going to be star studded and busy. The full programme and speaker line up for Digital & Music Matters is now available here.

                        With conferences during the day, the YouTube FanFest plus 50 bands at the 

Music Matters Live festival at night (produced in partnership with HP and YouTube) it promises to be a week that matters.

                        The early bird registration price of US$ 999

ends soon and The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore is filling up (as usual!) but registration is easy, just go here or simply email charmian@branded.asia.

                         Hope to see you in Singapore!

The Branded Team

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