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Official Artist
Mista TAK
Musician , Rapper
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About Mista TAK

Welcome to my page! Mista Tak

Mista Tak aka Mr. T is a rapper, songwriter born and raised in Hong Kong. Currently, working on an underground mixtape and looking to produce his solo EP this year. Mista Tak is known for his great voice and solid flow delivery. He also has style and taste in his rap music which allows him to keep it real when making music. Mista Tak has been building steadily along since the beginning of hip hop in Hong Kong.

Mista Tak has been involved with two HK rap groups. One is OS Family which disbanded in 2001 and the other is Too Monkey which has recently disbanded due to creative differences. Too Monkey was formed when Mista Tak was only 15 years old, with his high school friend Arho Sunny (mindneon.com). Together the rap duo performed many shows including TVB and also made some viral internet videos “Big Lemon Coke” which created a buzz in 2004. Too Monkey were always pushing current trends in hip hop. For both bands Mista Tak kept writing songs and had some released on a hip hop indie compilation “協合戰紀.”

The MC caught onto the Hip Hop culture in ’95 by the way of watching the NBA. Mista Tak always had a deep interest in street culture and his music is mainly influenced by Hip Hop and Nu-Metal. A big fan of hip hop, be sure to listen out for Mista Tak. Currently, Mista Tak has been making music with producer DoughBoy, Ghost Style and collabo with DJ Spyzi Trix from Macau.

中文: Mr T.A.K. aka Mr Fatman/Rapper/填詞人.生於香港..1995年因為電視經常播著NBA和親人影響的關係之下無意中接觸到黑人音樂,於12歲開始沈醉於街頭文化,hip hop,和nu metal的音樂影響對其音樂風格影響深遠也是為他的音樂路向與風格作為一個根基… 在 2001年,是Mr. T.A.K開始和Hip Hop正式扯上關係的一年,同年他與自小相識的小學同學Arho Sunny(a.k.a .A董)於網上發起尋找志同道合的朋友組成樂隊,經過兩個月的時間2002終於成軍,名為OS Family,隊員多達9位,組成後立即發表很多的音樂作品如’’跟flow’’等. 同年,也與拍當Arho sunny組成Too Monkey當時他們只有15歲,並且參與首張香港hip hop合輯’’協合戰紀’’’發表Too Monkey與OS family的多支單曲.也曾在網上因為曲風比較創新的關係引來網民爭議,雖然當時只是香港hip hop剛起步時段,但也令香港小數聽眾留下印象,如’’窮則戰’’,’’美女七俠’’等等,剛開始有很多的演出如’當年的’’Milk Farm’’,’’Action To da MP’’, 台灣大型音樂節’’野台開唱’’等等..於2003年因為人事變動OS Family解散…但也這也沒有令T.a.K停下來. Mr T.A.K.與其拍擋 Arho Sunny所組成的組合Too monkey.,因工作與學業關係他們發表的作品並不多,但於2004發表以crunk hip hop為題的’’大杯檸樂’’再次引起網上聽眾好壞參半的討論,此曲也收錄在當時作個人發展的Arho Sunny 2005年’聽,寫,讀’’個人專輯內,同年Too Monkey與香港dj’’DJ Ngai’’組成一個短暫的hip hop組合, 但只發表過一首單曲便無疾而終,Too Monkey於2005年到北京’’糖果club’’作一次canton hip hop音樂上的交流反應熱烈, 也曾到TVB作音樂上演出之後’於2006-2007年再一次工作關係只發表了3首Mixtape作品,但以見其風格漸向成熟,再不是當年Too Monkey較為諷刺社會的作品,此時Too Monkey也作出一個決定就是’’暫時解散’’,原因是對香港hip hop此圈子心灰意冷,. 2009年獨立發展.將於年尾發行首張個人專輯

Interesting facts about Mista TAK

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender male
English Name Mr T.A.K.
Member Since February 22, 2009
Fans 26
Profile Views 49,172


Welcome to my page! Mista Tak

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
February 22, 2009