Today was a special six year old boy's birthday - Cordelia Choy'sson had his birthday today! We had about 20+ children and the same amount adults! People from Barbara Wong to Top Body Guards as well as the founder of Fi-Hi Original Soundtrack showed up and showed love for the boy! There was nothing but yummy galore food around which spoiled my 'healthier me' process! However, Cordelia said 'One day a week your allowed' and so I did. I noticed how much my body doesn't like junk - immediately i swelled up after eating three helpings of Macaroni and Cheese, also nibbled on Chicken Nuggets, Spring Rolls and Cheese Sandwhiches - DEADLY !! It only means tomorrow my workout has to be twice as tough on me! Dangidy dang! In pain now drinking water in hopes it will sort it out, tummy sick and unwell! Its been months since I had any of that food. Any recommendations?
I'll be uploading ONE MONTH of Photos in about three or four sets - I've been SUPER busy this last few weeks and barely have time for a breather! Blessing I guess better to be busy than not . . . right?
Anyhow my lovelies check back soon to see the photos - you might find familiar faces in them :)
Hugs n' all - MissyK* x
Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!