呢個video係我上星期到曼谷CÉ LA VI表演嘅一場show嘅時候拍嘅。我今次揀咗Onra嘅"Gotta Go"做主提音樂,我覺得佢好襯今次旅程嘅感覺,如果你都鍾意,可以到以下連結支持,仲有記得睇HD呀~ 多謝收睇!
This is a video I did while travelling to Bangkok for a gig at CÉ LA VI BANGKOK, filmed by Simone Fassan @neonfavelas on IG. The soundtrack is "Gotta Go" by Onra, I find it perfectly matches the vibe of the video. If you like the song, please support the artist here https://itun.es/us/ZhqqC?i=474022440, thank you for watching!
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