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Love Tattoo??? Meet Kat Von D on LA INK | 喜歡紋身???到LA INK找Kat Von D

If you love tattoo, you must love to watch Miami Ink . After you watching Miami Ink, you must love Kat Von D!!! (at least I am)

Kat Von D, 25, was one of the featured artists on the first two seasons of Miami Ink. She specializes in fine-line, black & gray style life-like portraits.

Many celebrities, athletes and entertainers seek out her services such as Jackass' Bam Margera, Steve-O and Ryan Dunn, Slayer, My Chemical Romance, Guns N Roses, Green Day, The Mars Volta, Eve and Mira Sorvino.

| 如果你喜歡紋身,一定愛看Miami Ink,看了Miami Ink之後,一定會愛上Kat Von D!!!(至少我是如此)Kat Von D,25歲,Miami Ink頭兩季的演員。她的專長是fine-line、黑灰風格的逼真人像。

很多名人、運動員和娛樂圈人士都是她的客戶,如Jackass' Bam Margera、Steve-O和Ryan Dunn、Slayer、My Chemical Romance、Guns N Roses、Green Day、The Mars Volta、Eve及Mira Sorvino。

| 如果你喜欢纹身,一定爱看Miami Ink,看了Miami Ink之后,一定会爱上Kat Von D!!!(至少我是如此)Kat Von D,25岁,Miami Ink头两季的演员。她的专长是fine-line、黑灰风格的逼真人像。

很多名人、运动员和娱乐圈人士都是她的客户,如Jackass' Bam Margera、Steve-O和Ryan Dunn、Slayer、My Chemical Romance、Guns N Roses、Green Day、The Mars Volta、Eve及Mira Sorvino。 Video: Kat gets fired       http://youtube.com/watch?v=aEM2TQhtjE8 Now, Kat has come home to Los Angeles to fulfill her dream of opening  up her own tattoo shop.  The news has spread and celebrities,  rising starlets, punk rockers, musicians and tattoo collectors alike are lining up for some of Kat's famous black and grey ink.   In a city known for its tattoo culture, LA Ink is sure to stand out -- drawing clients from all over the world and from all walks of life.  But with popularity comes headaches, drama and a lot of hard work.

I have no tattoo on me, just because of my occupation. But I think I'll get a/alot of tattoos in the future.


| 現在Kat回到家鄉洛杉磯實現夢想:開一間自己的紋身店。這個消息在名人、初涉影壇人士、朋克搖滾樂手、音樂家以及紋身愛好者們中間傳播開,大家都排著隊等待Kat在他們身上畫著名的黑色或灰色墨水。在一個以紋身文化著名的城市,LA Ink是出類拔萃的—客戶來自世界各地及各個行業。但伴著這個潮流而來的還有頭痛、戲劇化和許多辛苦的工作。我因為職業需要不能紋身,但今後一定要紋很多東西。

|现在Kat回到家乡洛杉矶实现梦想:开一间自己的纹身店。这个消息在名人、初涉影坛人士、朋克摇滚乐手、音乐家以及纹身爱好者们中间传播开,大家都排着队等待Kat在他们身上画著名的黑色或灰色墨水。在一个以纹身文化著名的城市,LA Ink是出类拔萃的—客户来自世界各地及各个行业。但伴着这个潮流而来的还有头痛、戏剧化和许多辛苦的工作。我因为职业需要不能纹身,但今后一定要纹很多东西。

Video: LA INK


Video: LA INK Kat is back


Video:  LA INK Kat is back


Video: LA INK -EVE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oolKhBrN72k

Video: 3rd Episode 4/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtlaUE4wOq0

16 年多 前 0 赞s  25 评论s  0 shares
Ummm...... still don't know yet.... but i always think i would like to tatto a Madonna on me!!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i prefer natural! you can't erase it once its on!
16 年多 ago
Very nice blog!
16 年多 ago
Photo 40895
我都欣賞Kat Von D做既人像!
16 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007