演员, DJ, 歌手
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Hi, I'm kinda busy on my new tv series, they will give me the scripts one day  before the filming day, haha.... I think the writers are busy too.... I can't really catch the flow but whatever, this is tvb style. The role is..... well which is I'm not enjoying- a bad woman ( again ).... I know my face is looks like a money lover, like I must choose a rich guy or I like to flirt with men. Yea  I took so many sexy pictures when I was young, but HELL nooooo!!!!!!!!!  I didn't know sexy= bitch.

I'm only a simple lady!!! I was working in tvb for 9 years, and they always gave me the bad characters, flirting with  guys who already have  wifes, sexy, love $$$$ so much etc.... yea, I was trying to do my best, because I AM AN ACTRESS!!! But finally, everyone believed I am that kind of woman!!! Men think I'm open, and women do not like me, they think I love to have sex with their boyfriends even they never talk with me!!! Is really very super hard to make friends in my life!!!! Especially FEMALE!! Too many jealious or romurs. I need to spend so much time to prove when I making friends with someone that I'm not a bitch!!!! Slowly, I'm scare to get closer with people...... Shit....... do u know u are killing me if u give me this kind of roles??? huh???

Script tomorrow:

I'm 巧 That's why I love to be a DJ, I can be myself again when I being a DJ, standing on the stage, is more simple, I just want to share my music!!! Yea, I like music!!~ Thx GOD to safe my life, otherwise I think I'll crazy!!

OK, let's talk about music, Hey do u like Justice??? I love them so much!~ Their new album is really kool~~ I wish I can watch their live in one day!!!!


try it~~!!! just click download~~






所以我很喜歡做 DJ。當我站在臺上打碟,可以做回自己,真是簡單得多。我只想跟大家一起分享我的音樂!!! Yea, 我很喜歡音樂!!~ 感謝上天救我的命, 如果不是, 我想我會發瘋!!

好吧, 不如我們談論音樂。喂, 你們喜歡 Justice嗎??? 我太愛他們啦!~ 他們的新專輯真的很棒~~希望有一天可以看他們的現場演出!!!!


試試吧~~!!!! 請去以上網站下載~~~~


大家好,最近为了拍我的新电视剧都有点忙。拍摄的前一天,他们会拿剧本给我看。哈哈....我想,编剧也很忙吧....其实这种习惯我是把握不了的。怎样都好,这是tvb的风格。其实我演的角色....我是不太喜欢 - 因为我( 又是) 一个坏女人.... 我知我的样子好像狂爱钱的,好像一定要选择富贵之人或是很喜欢跟男孩一起调情。是呀,我年轻的时候曾经影了很多性感的相片, 但是天啊!!!!!!!!!我真是不知道 性感= 坏女人。

我只是个很普通的女人!!! 我跟tvb工作都有九年了,而他们给我演的角色永远都是坏人,勾引有妇之夫、是性感的、非常爱$$$$等等....是呀,我都是尽力做到最好,因为 我是演员!!! 但是最后, 大家都相信我正是这种女人!!! 男人认为我很开放,而女人是不喜欢我。就算他们没有跟我沟通,她们都会认为我最喜欢就是与她们的男友做爱。 其实在我人生裡去认识朋友真是超级艰难。尤其是 女人!! 太多谣言和妒忌心。当我尝试去认识朋友,是要浪费很多时间证明自己不是坏女人!!!! 慢慢地,我很怕接触别人......他妈的....你们究竟知不知道,要我扮演这种角色其实是致我于死地???嗄???

明天的稿: 我扮演巧

所以我很喜欢做DJ。当我站在台上打碟,可以做回自己,真是简单得多。我只想跟大家一起分享我的音乐!!! Yea, 我很喜欢音乐!!~ 感谢上天救我的命, 如果不是, 我想我会发疯!!

好吧, 不如我们谈论音乐。喂, 你们喜欢Justice吗??? 我太爱他们啦!~ 他们的新专辑真的很棒~~希望有一天可以看他们的现场演出!!!!


试试吧~~!!!! 请去以上网站下载~~~~

15 年多 前 0 赞s  37 评论s  0 shares
Photo 78622
i appreciate you putting this out there.. keep your head up.. you'll be ok..
15 年多 ago
Photo 50728
Aw c'mon. I know you're a sweetheart. Just be yourself and don't worry so much about what people think.
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
tung tung is the exact opposite! i swear. :-P
15 年多 ago
thx everyone!!! u r my friends!!! yea, I feel like home when I'm at AnD, I can be myself, say what I want to say!!! anyways I'll do my best in this series too.... u r damn rite, (a person tht's true will always win. tht's what i believe. ppl who see you as an 'image' is not worth knowing anyway), hopefully rumors will gone!!
15 年多 ago
a lot beautifull girls had the same problem as urs ... its okay !!! u dont need 1000.000.000 friends. maybe two or 3 best friends should be enough for ur whole life !!! good luck with ur new project !!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 33405
but you're so sweet and nice! that sux that they're typecasting you as the opposite and some ppl can't distinguish reality vs on-screen role. but know that we support you... you have us! :)
15 年多 ago
Don't worry girl... rumour is noise n noise is kind of energy from human beings which is important function to keeping our lives on...
大约 15 年 ago


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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007