Mindee Ong
演员, 歌手
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881 come home with the Golden Horse please!

881 has been nominated for best "Best Makeup & Costume Design"  in the "44th Golden Horse Awards". We all know that "lust, Caution" by Ang Lee is coming very strongly this year.

But well, I feel that any titles nominated do stand a chance of picking up the horse.

As the awards ceremony gallops nearer, I am sure many nominees are feel...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Shanghai Blues | 上海之夜

有好几个朋友都误会了, 以为我会去上海表演。不是的, 我将会演一部《上海之夜》的音乐舞台剧。不过上个月倒是差一点就去的了上海表演。

首次于TOY FACTORY 合作, 将在明年的华艺节演出。这可是我第一次担任音乐剧的女主角。跟我一起同台演出的有香港歌手苏永康和本地一位出名的舞台演员Emma Yong。一位是实力派歌手而另一位是非常资深的舞台演员。我的严厉实在大。


Few friends had mistaken that I will be in Shanghai to perform. Infact not. Instead I am starring in a musical called "Shanghai Blues". Apparently, many people was misled. Anyway thanks for keeping...Read more

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Endorsement (2) | 代言(2)

 很开心公司帮我接到另一个代言邀请。这回是代言饮料, 一个柠檬口味的desert drink,Sagiko Soft Jelly Drink。它的柠檬口味不会太酸,饮料的糖份浓度也符合健康水准。所以得到保健促进局的“较健康选择”标签。不是说卖花赞花香,我喝了觉得满好喝的。你们不妨试试看。

I am delighted that my agency has picked up another endorsement for me.  Its a product endorsement.  Sagiko Soft Jelly Drink, a lemon flavour desert drink.

I had to try this drink before shoot and was a little hesitant. When it comes to consuming food/drinks, I am definitely not the adventurous type and can be very picky with my selections. Anyway the storyboard requires me t...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

The Garden of Fame

I did something very touristy unintentionally last Saturday.

I had a luncheon appointment at Jurong Hilltop. This place is new to me, I didn't  know this hilltop with a look-out tower and a park existed. The restaurant is located at the look-out tower itself.

To get to the restaurant you need to walk through the park . As I was strolling and looking, these interesting trees caught my eyes. 

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17 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

Wish Upon a Falling Star

我看到流星! 我真的看到流星!

刚才在Dempsey Hill 和两位好友吃饭聊天时,抬头的那一瞬间就被眼前的一条光迹吸引主。   看见一束光在我眼前流过, 几秒后才大声喊了: ”我看到流星! 我看到流星!“。可惜他们没看到。





I saw Shooting Star! I saw a Meteor!

I was having dinner at Dempsey Hill with 2 good friend of mine when I saw a light trail flew pass before my eyes. A few seconds later I screamed " I saw a shooting star! I saw a shooting star!". If only they saw it too.

Myth about  wish upon a falling star, dre...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Endorse | 代言

前些时候,《联合晚报》为了推出革新版邀请了我当任代言人。能够成为报子改革版的首位明星代言人。 我当然是感到非常荣幸,也非常高兴。





LIANHE Wanbao, the Chinese-language evening daily, has undergone its first revamp in 24 years. This made-over magazine-style layout papers hit the newsstands with its dual covers。Readers in search of the top news...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

881 Movie Poster

I like to draw but I don't draw often and I haven't been drawing lately. When ever there's a new additions it is alway drawn base on my impulse.

我喜欢画画, 可是有不常画,最近也很少画了。每当有新的画时,都是因突然启发或心血来潮时才会画吧。

Something to share.

I was overwhelmed with excitement when I first saw myself on 881’s movie poster in the cinema. I was extremely excited, the excitement was thick in the air ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares



881 being my first feature film has given me the opportunity to work with a team of talented film makers. This includes the production team, art direction, makeup unit, costume department , the other casts, the director (Royston Tan), the producer (Gary Goh) and so on .Their devotion to the art of film-making have touched me in so many ways. And most importantly, it increases my penchant for acting and honed my skills as an actress. Looking back now, the experience I gain is priceless.

I still think its a miracle that I am part of th...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

Before 881

My story begins like this....

It all started in 1996 when i accompanied a friend to audition for a singing contest. However, i ended up auditioning as well, and was short-listed but my friend was not. I didn't win the competition but was placed as the youngest finalist. This was then more than what i could ask for.

Soon after, i was offered to do a mandarin sitcom with TV Corporations of Singapore. So, I seized the opportunity and began my acting career.

Then on, i also joined the English 'platform' and was part...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Thats Fast!

I am awfully touch when only yesterday that Alan mentioned he recommended me to be the "Feature Artist" and the next moment when I open my mac, I saw the "Official Artist Profile Badge" on this Blog. Awesome!

Wow! I am impressed that the AnD team works fast.

To the AnD team, thanks for creating this.

非常大方的Alan昨晚通知我说他已经向他的朋友推简我成为AnD 的 Feature Artist。

没想到那么快,今天上网就看到我的Blog以是Featured. 非常感动!

真要谢AnD team 和Alan呢!

17 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien
November 10, 2007