Official Artist
Mindee Ong
Actor , Singer
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12 Lotus interstitial Ep 1- 9 Uploaded.

A series of 12 Lotus interstitial has been uploaded.

12 Lotus interstitial Ep 1

12 Lotus interstitial Ep 2 12 Lotus interstitial Ep 3 12 Lotus interstitial Ep 4 12 Lotus interstitial Ep 5

12 Lotus interstitial Ep 612 Lotus interstitial Ep 7

12 Lotus interstitial Ep 8

12 Lotus interstitial Ep 9

Thats all for now.

12 Lotus, should there be 12 Interstitial?

Seriously, I don't know.

I hope these interstitials will entice you to watch 12 Lotus.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool! i'll watch them after work tomorrow!
over 16 years ago


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