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Mike Moh
Actor , Sports
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When I first moved to Los Angeles about a year ago, I was hungry to get off on the right foot. My hunger led to the things I had set out the achieve: getting an agent, doing student films, learning about the business, and improving myself.

I was on a roll and then I got a role on Kamen Rider. A dream come true and a great role. Thanks to Matt Mullins for helping me get an audition!! There I was, working as a regular on a TV show after only being in town for about 6 months. Right after the show wrapped I was cast in the musical production of Pippin at EastWestPlayers. A great opportunity with a great cast.

I worked on that play for about 3 months and sometime during the production I fell into a rut. A routine filled with just passing the time doing not much other than rehearsals, shows, and then a lot of laziness. I had lost what had brought me to this city in the first place: Hunger. My laziness continued after the show ended for about a month and now I am finally getting hungry again.

This biz is filled with ups and downs and after only a year I have had my share of both. Luckily I have had a lot more ups than downs... but I guess that all has to do with my own perspective. To be successful one has to keep progressing. If you stop progressing, success will leave you in the dust. There a lot of aspects of myself that I know I must improve to continue on my upward climb to success, and now is as perfect a time as any to get to work on them.

-Always looking on the bright side-

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, korean
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
December 9, 2007