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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Political Buzzkill

Those of you that are longtime readers of this blog (if you actually still exist) may have noticed how sparse my entries have been of late and particularly in the area of politics. I blame it on a few factors -- my career actually moving forward... and facebook.

For a while now, I've wanted to weigh in about the state of politics in this country. Those that saw my posts through the '04 election and at other times when critical political issues came up are probably aware of how important politics can be to me.

The problem though is that I think I may come off as just too cynical and negative if I talked about how I really felt.

Here it is: I'm scared.

There is a lot of momentum building up for Barack Obama and given the two front-runners I definitely have to go with him. But I am just really really worried. I am worried that the Democrats are building up a fantasy world where middle-America (and parts of not so middle-America) can see past color lines (and gender lines). After the '00 and '04 elections, I have little faith in the citizens of this country. The political system has let me down the past two elections and there is no reason to think that the change that Obama speaks of has actually come to pass.

Now with Bush on his way out who is to say that those right-wing monsters won't come around and back McCain in full force? I hear the talk of the Republicans being splintered at the base, but I think they have a much better way of rallying for a cause than the left does (even though the Obama campaign is inspiring). What worries me is that a huge factor that both the fiscal conservatives and social conservatives can probably agree on is that they don't want a black guy or a woman in the highest position in this country.

If we can remember back to the Clinton presidency, there was a lot of hope for change then too. But when he got in office, that right wing army used every last resource to tear him apart. Most people still remember Clinton as being a womanizer who had a penchant for cigars. Is it realistic to think that the conservatives won't do the same to the next Clinton or Obama? Is it realistic to think that just because Obama is really good at the rhetoric of reaching across the aisle, that the hand on the other side isn't just going to smack it away? Does anyone remember swift boats?

I fear what may come. I support Barack Obama but I worry every day.

I have been hesitant to put this post up publicly because I know I come off as a huge buzzkill. But today I got this link to a video showing how Fox is already rallying their troops and I felt compelled to share. Let's hope I am wrong about this country. And let's hope this country is truly ready for change.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude, you totally killed my buzz! :-P
about 16 years ago


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