now it's finally july 1st, our "first to 400km" race is finally over! here's our little graph, and we're team 5!
unfortunately the race ran into a couple snags...
first, my nike plus and ipod gadget started really messing up and i probably lost about 30-40km in total, which annoyed me to no end. couple weeks back, it actually completely broke down! very fortunately apple actually has an excellent customer service program. i brought it in, the service center was at times square, and actually they exchanged one for me immediately. quite impressive.
secondly, my teammate got injured after completing about 120km - he was supposed to do his share of 200km! according to the rules, each teammember can run a max of 240km (and the other one needs to run a min of 160km). so, effectively we had lost. BUT, the system seemed to be a bit faulty and kept on counting the miles even when i had gone beyond 240km. so i figured i might as well complete the rest of it, and ran the last 13km today. not sure what happened to team 1 as they seemed to be a good bit ahead, but seems they ended up not finishing the 400km...
so... well, we "kind of" won. but not really. since no other team actually finished the 400km according to the rules! a bit disappointing really, but i'm sure we'll have another go at it.
i've never run so much in my life - probably about 310-320km over 8 weeks. unfortunately, strangely, it doesn't really get easier. take the 13km run i had today - i was in so much pain after only about 15 minutes in. pretty much gasping for air for the rest of the way, which in turn meant i sucked in too much air, giving me stomach cramps. ok, too much detail.
anyway, this is way enough running for me for a while...