Hello all you cool Metro Fans!!! Only two days until our shows start at Backstage. Friday April 10th, starting at 10:30pm, and Sunday April 12th starting at 8:00pm. I will link all the info below. There is limited seating available, so make sure you call Backstage or Email them for Reservations. Backstage Live 2167 8985Or Email one of the following two: Reservation@backstagelive.hk or Tickets@americanvocalstudio.comWe will also be selling our Doo-Wop CD, so bring some extra cash if you would like to purchase one. We will be signing them as well.Thanks again for all the support!!! We hope to see you at the show. Friday April 10th, 2009:http://www.alivenotdead.com/metrovocalgroup/Backstage-Live-Presents-Metro-s-6-0-Show-number-1--event-536623.htmlSunday April 12th, 2009:http://www.alivenotdead.com/metrovocalgroup/Backstage-Live-Presents-Metro-s-6-0-Show-number-2--event-536585.html
Metro is a vocal group, originally from the USA, but now based in the great city of Hong Kong! http://www.metrovocalgroup.com/ http://www.facebook.com/metrov