MCG / Navin Parwani
饶舌歌手, 音乐监製, 说唱歌手
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great bunch of people

You know how there is a time in life where you said you havehad enough of something that is treating you good , and you try to step away from the good stuff and for a better cause and better caring for ppl in my family , but th emusic industry which has been treating me like a rock star kinda feel good ! wont go away , i have been recording in studios since 96 , and im done with music seriosuly, time to move on and let others take over the throne ...

Yeah i asked Myself the same thing too .....which throne am i talking about ? hehehehe e.... no seriosuly i think its that time where i have to  move on with my life and certain circumstances , but damn i just love the local and abroad music scene too damn much , peopl like AnD - Patrick , memebers of 24herbs , ifat from Miskeen , TUNG TUNG (BECOMING A DJ ) david fletcher , gold mountain , howard mac , chan muk from love music and all these talented , influenced ppl ,give me a bit too much credit for something i dont really consider myself to be - whcih is an artist .

i just sincerly wanna thank all of you for making me feel and keeping me alive and not dead !

God bless !

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23329
thank you dear !
接近 17 年 ago


ok ..


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 20, 2007