Hey Crew,
Old Event: SCAD Opening Hong Kong
Hong Kong celebrities, artists and designers celebrate SCAD Gallery opening at gala event
SCAD President Paula Wallace hosted the event, welcoming many of Hong Kong’s most noted celebrities, art connoisseurs, designers, government officials and other supportive friends. Attendees included director of Commercial Radio Hong Kong; Mr. George Ho, owner of Hong Kong Commercial Radio; Mr. Lawrence Ho, owner of Propaganda; Mr. Alan Lo, owner of Press Room; Ms. Yenn Wong, owner of Jia Hotel; Ms. Sabrina Ho, daughter of Dr. Stanley Ho; Mr. Harris Chan, creative director of Moiselle Fashion; Mr. Benjamin Lau and Mr. Douglas Young, Owners of G.O.D; Ms. Ingrid Chen; Mr. Mark Ryan ; Mr. Simon Birch, the well known Hong Kong illustrator; and Mr. Dickson Yewn, owner of Life of Circle, to name just a few.
Mark Ryan
Teacher/Artist: Mark Ryan Company: Mark Ryan Education Ltd. Websites:www.ask.edu.hk