Hey Everyone!I just launched a new set of English schools in Hong Kong! The schools are called, 'All Star Kids'! You can check out all the information on m website: www.ask.edu.hkMy school offers two awesome English language programmes:B Programme - PrePrimaryP Programme - PrimaryThe school is specifically designed to help young students in Hong Kong improve their English language skills and master Hong Kong English examinations.I recently launched a school in Aberdeen. The Hong Kong press wrote the following: (I am aware that most of the following information is about my personal life not the school...lol...)龍小菌話要做補習老師,教中文雞精班。星級價,但資歷低;鄭欣宜舊愛Mark Ryan,都去做教師,教英文,唔係教體育。Mark最近喺星河教育集團旗下嘅小星河教室擔任英文老師,今日喺香港仔分行出席開幕,Mark話曾經任教國際學校,發現每間學校嘅教學考試制度都唔同,計分又唔同,大家都各有各教,所以佢同另一位教師Oten合作開班。問佢有冇份投資?Mark話:「自己教學嘅資源,同集團都會互相配合。」
至於有冇通知欣宜開班?Mark好感慨咁話冇通知。原來佢哋自從分開之後,已經冇聯絡,因為欣宜希望人生有個新開始,不過Mark話一直有留意欣宜身邊嘅事,亦會好支持欣宜同佢家人。換言之,即係女方單方面唔想再同Mark有聯繫了。至於會否主動聯絡欣宜?Mark話:「冇,佢想多啲空間集中喺工作、朋友同fans身上,我都希望同佢再見亦是朋友。」Thank you for your continued support!CheersMr Mark
Teacher/Artist: Mark Ryan Company: Mark Ryan Education Ltd. Websites:www.ask.edu.hk