Great night dorking around with @somethingcleverworks #portland #canowine #lovecraftbarpdx
Out of town invaders #coloradoinvasion #insanechild #maiseybear
Homemade ravioli mess #italiano #raviolli #atlas150 #wine
Kickass performance by AL1CE last night! #al1ce #lovecraftbar
Photona at LC last night was amazing! #photona #lovecraftbar
Goth Float 2018 #gothfloat #gothfloat2018 #clackamasriver
Awesome time at PIG fest! #blakkglass #devouredbyflowers #dierobot #synthwitch #particleson #thesecretlight #punishyourgod
Great way to bring in 45! #rontoms #dancing #thelovecraft #shenanigans
Brunch with the beautiful Mish Mish #brunch #annabanana #thelunch
The Steep #thesteepandthornywaytoheaven #ghosts #seance #myrrhlarsen #portland
Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.
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