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Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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Persephone: Pt. 6 & Weevil and Nightshade Update

 Last Sunday, January 29th, the production crew and members from Animation Dynamics met at Dan Ackerman's Stage 13 to collect the remaining pick-up shots for the live-action, short film Persephone.    In all, there was a total of five shots plus two selective 360 passes for stills in order to have proper coverage of Persephone in her two outfits; should we decide to create a 3D rendering of her for augmented reality purposes.  Christina Kortum from Ravenous Studios once again put Alix (Persephone) back into her chocolate skin for the last time. The process was much quicker (2.5 hours) as compared to the almost 7 hours it initially took last May due to the fact that the application of the skin, latex and facial masking had to be created on set so she could sculpt a layered, broken texture across Persephone skin.Post movement at Animation Dynamics has been going smoothly. The team has been steadily working on keying, compositing and creating the layered, impressionistic world from which the story takes place; a 19th century dreamscape in the Netherlands region.On other creative fronts - that from which Persephone was spawned from, is the development of Weevil and Nightshade's Compendium of Farables & Tales.Carla Lee, our talented and imaginative illustrator, has been consistently feeding me new drawings, concepts, illustrations, and ideas regarding the characters in the book. I have been showing many of the illustrations that Carla has been creating... but I can't help myself. While there are many that won't be seen until the books release... peppering my updates with at least one of her creations is always a joy for me.In the below illustration, we see Mr. Johannson get a surprise as a piece of pork chop flies into his clam chowder delight. This is from the farable, Little Miss Monkey Mary. The final layout of the book has not been established as of yet... but I do know the first print run will be a limited edition hardback book which will be sold during a concurrent fund raising campaign for sound development and score on Persephone. Donators towards the project will be able to receive the limited edition book along with a variety of other great items.Since Persephone is adapted from one of the stories in the book, "Both Bitter and Sweet Was Persephone Inside Most Incomplete" I figure the promotion of the book works proper alongside the continued development of the short film.Time to get back to work... many things to do.Please comment and share this posting with your friends and family!You can also follow tweets - @markvroush- Mark

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.

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