It has been way too long since I lasted posted here... which is, needless to say, not very sporting of me since I enjoy coming to this site.
For the past 6 months, life has been quite insane. Outside of any personal details however - work has been awesome. I am in development of 15 new episodes of Lady Wasteland, which we intend on filming January 2009. I also recently returned from ComicCon in San Diego where one of my films, "I am Lloyd Hamlin" screened. During that time my former lead actress and I marketed Lady Wasteland at the convention to raise attention about our show (which is at about a million hits and still climbing). Nike has been keeping me very busy and I am in pre-production for a shoot in Boston, Kansas and Missouri for Autodesk. Also, I've been penning 2 new feature films and a new web series.
On a last note - we edited Episode 0 for the pilot series of Lady Wasteland - check it out.
There is way more to write... but right now - time to get to work. These movies aren't going to make themselves.
Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.