Official Artist
Mark Aldred
Photographer , Magazine Editor
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As some of you know by now Brink magazine is on hold while I am doing my MA in photography. Much as I loved running Brink, I also loved photogaphy and I has been promising myself an MA in photography. So i shelved Brink for a while and started an MA in photography.  But don't worry When I graduate I will re-start Brink bigger and better than before.

My MA has been working out well and inspired me to go into areas of photography I had never ventured into. One of the results was Rorschach Walls a collection of close-up photographs of walls. These images are polymorphous most people don't realize that they are walls and everybody finds different images within each image, Hence the name. Rorschach was the guy who invented the inkblot test where inkblots are used to draw out the patients subconsious concerns. My wall photos seem to function in the same way. Fortunately my work capured the attention of Laurence Lai Gallery, HK's oldest and most successful commercial photo galleries which is located in a prime retail area in The Peak Galleria

The pictures in the online album will give you a rough idea but to really see what I am on about please come to my exhibition which opens 7pm on 1st April at Laurence Lai Gallery on The Peak and runs for the whole of April.  There is a world of difference between a 72dpi internet image and a 300dpi 24 x 36 inch photogaph so please come up and see first hand.

Space is tight for opening night so in addition to your ALND RSVP you will need to phone or SMS Eliza 91314521 Ali 96469576 or Raymond 90358432 for a printed invitation to be sent to you. ONLY PERSONS bearing printed invitations will be admitted to opening night and latecomers may not get in if we are allready full up. But if you do miss out we will also be having a closing night party on 30th April.  I will be present every day during the exhibtion from 3pm to 10pm but even if you don't catch me, there will be qualified staff on hand to answer questions.


我的碩士課程進展非常順利,亦帶領我進入一個我從未涉足的攝影領域;其中一個收獲就是"Rorschach"攝影集 - 嵬集了些牆壁的特寫照片。大部份都不會意識到這些牆壁是無形的,或每個人都可以在這些圖像裏找到不同的圖像。Rorschach是位有名的心理學家,他利用墨跡測試去引發一些病人的潛意識。我的牆壁照片,便有着相同的作用。佷榮幸地,我的作品得到Laurence Lai畫廊的菁萊;Laurence Lai 畫廊是香港最具資歷及最成功的商業攝影畫廊,它位於山頂廣場一個主要的零售區內。

瀏覽網上的攝影集可給各位一個粗略的概念,但要看我的作品原稿,閣下則請移步到我的展覽。開幕夜將在4月1日下午7時假於山頂Laurence Lai 畫廊,這展覽亦於整個4月在同一地點進行;72dpi 的電腦照片和 24" x 36" 300dpi 的照片是屬於兩個不同的攝影世界。如想親身體現,請蒞臨參觀。

因開幕夜的場地有限,請記謹致電或傳短信給Eliza 91314521、Ali 96469576 或 Raymond 90358432 預約,我們會儘快寄邀請咭給你。開幕夜衹接受持有邀請咭的來賓進場,如來賓太多(客滿),遲來者可能不能進場。但如果你錯過了開幕夜,我們在4月30日亦舉行閉幕夜,歡迎出席。



about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Please come and support my first venture into abstract photography. It's called Rorshach Walls and running at Laurence Lai Gallery up on the Peak. There will be

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
July 7, 2008