Official Artist
Marie Olaerts
Cinematographer / Camera Operator
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Life is out to get me ... or should I say work is...

Very late on the 14th we did indeedfinally  wrap up the shoot of christmas in paris, finishing in style with some champaine around midnight, this to everyone's relief I might say...

This was a shorter shoot then the previous period, so this time I enjoyed it til the end, even though the hours were far too long once again... Ah, well.

here's some pics for your amusement:

all the ladies of the crew and cast on the beach :p

The two wonderful ladies of costume and make up!

you recognise compulsive behaviour when they start doing the hair of crew members too and said crewmember needs to call for aid

they're not angry, they're just ignoring each other.  lol

After that, I had no rest at all as I went from that set directly to another set without going home even. A four day shoot for a short film of a friend of mine. It was great times, I met with absolutely wonderful new people and by far the funniest guy I have ever met, who goes by the name of Tristan. That's the sort of guy you need on every set!! No really.

Especially as this was a movie about Murphey's law and everything that comes with it...

And everything did come with it. Although ... it wasn't 'lost in la mancha'... hell, it wasn't even 'christmas in paris' :p

Our wonderful actors who did a great job and suffered far more then I would have gone through without complaining... bows

A Very Bad picture of Tristan, the Very Funny guy who does the best bird impressions ever!

The director, making a rough cut every evening of the images, and his cat.

The crew and our travel

some of the crew and our... other travel...

and yes, they did runafter the bike for quite a while... Poor guys, this gave a new definition to the function of 'runners' on a set.

The director making a topshot, Tristan guarding the ladder and Stijn, my wonderful assistent, plugging in the display

the top shot

our green key! Whoot! so curious how that'll turn out!

And last but not least... one of the scenes was rain falling only on our two characters, so the director's father made a rain machine (see below)

And our actors got very wet for quite a long while... and they got very cold too... sometimes I am so glad I'm not an actor...


I felt soooo bad for them... they got really soaked.

Curious how the movie will turn out... we still have one green sceen scene to shoot in studio some time next month.

And tomorrow evening I leave for yet another set til the 5th of august... Me, who enjoys being home so much... go figure :)

Did I mention I have no social life at the moment? Hardly remember what exactly it was...

miss you all and don't forget me!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
over 16 years ago


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