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Classical music--from North Carolina to the Chinese-speaking world

WCPE is my local classical music station.  They broadcast 24/7 and play an amazing variety of classical music.  For a number of years WCPE has also sent its programming out to the world via satellite (North America only) and now the world wide web via web streaming.  Recognizing their international fan base, the station has just developed a website for Chinese fans of classical music.  I love this station.  Whenever I want to hear something uplifting, and inspiring, I tune in to WCPE.  They play music that feeds my soul.

The following announcement is off their website (www.theclassicalstation.org).

WCPE Expands Offerings to Mandarin Speaking Audience

New Website Goodien.org Reaches World’s Largest Language Population


WAKE FOREST, N.C. (February 2, 2007)—Curtis Brothers, outreach director for WCPE, TheClassicalStation.org, announces today that WCPE Member Paul C. Hsieh has developed a Mandarin-language Web site to promote the availability of Great Classical Music, 24 Hours a Day to the Mandarin Chinese speaking audience.

Hsieh created the site so that Chinese-speaking music lovers will have a name that is easier to remember and to spell. In Mandarin, The Classical Station is pronounced Goo-Dien. The entire site is written in the Mandarin Chinese language and is independently owned and operated by Hsieh.

“A great feature of WCPE is its link to the online ArkivMusic CD store,” says Hsieh. “Listeners in Taiwan and Hong Kong are now able to buy classical CDs from ArikivMusic, which started its direct shipping program in 2007.” A portion of the price for CDs purchased from ArikivMusic through the WCPE site is donated back to WCPE.

WCPE’s live broadcast of Great Classical Music, 24 Hours A Day can be accessed around the globe in several ways; on-line streaming in multiple formats, including IPv6, local cable television systems and traditional radio broadcasting. A complete list of the ways WCPE is available with instructions for cable and satellite reception can be found at theclassicalstation.org/listen.shtml.

In central North Carolina and southern Virginia, WCPE is found on the radio at 89.7 FM.

For more information on WCPE, or to print a downloadable version of Quarter Notes, please visit this link.

About WCPE:

With a 29-year history, WCPE is a non-commercial, 100 percent listener-supported, independent station dedicated to excellence in Great Classical Music broadcasting. Community-minded business underwriters and foundations are among the 150,000 listeners in the North Carolina broadcast area. General Manager Deborah S. Proctor’s leadership has enabled the WCPE community to include national and worldwide listeners. Other radio stations and cable television systems can rebroadcast Great Classical Music. WCPE is one of the first public broadcasters to stream on the Internet. WCPE is heard worldwide on the Internet in multiple formats, including the next generation IPv6. Because WCPE receives no tax-derived support, the station conducts two on-air fundraising campaigns and two major mail-out campaigns per year to raise needed operating funds. Quarter Notes, the WCPE Program Guide, is published four times a year as a means to enhance appreciation and understanding of classical music. It is distributed to station supporters and is also available online at TheClassicalStation.org/guide. For more information, visit TheClassicalStation.Org or call 1-800-556-5178.


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