so it Fashion Season! from Men's Fashion Week to Fashion Season on Orchard,Audi Fashion Festive and the newly announced Women's Fashion Weekat the end the year it looks like Singapore is thenew fashion capital in asia.but then again, Singapore is always trying to be one upin the world so guess Fashion is a good way to then why we getting it so bad?at MFW, the guests were dressed to outshine everyone.i'm not kidding!boys in leather skirts!at the opening of Ashley Isham's new concept boutique at the OC,leopard prints were worn from head to toe by Tai Tais & 1 ''SuperStylist''.seriously, LEOPARD PRINTS. HEAD to TOE.reality show SMM2 had 12models in Adidas sports' wearplaying rugby as their 1st photo shoot challenge in episode 1.sports tank top and bottom is not fashion. its what is the rule when it comes to Fashion?apparently, the No.1 rule is there's no rules in Fashion.but there is such a thing as .now, whether it's in or ,that's another question for Fashion.p.s. i wear shorts & tees to meetings so don't start with me.