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seriously... TV?

seriously... TV?

i love watching TV.

trust me when i say LOVE.

my friends know NOT to call me while i watch the telly.

i AM dead to the world even during the commercial break.

so it does bother me when i watch STUPID & Friends on TV.

the News on 5 is one.

i know its hard to condense what's happening in Singapore

and around the world in 30mins.

but giving bite size information in not NEWS!

you can't have the anchor just HIGHLIGHT headlines and call it News.

and since when do reporters ACT?

don't we have that on The NOOSE already?

what about commercials with MediaCorp actors in them?

don't they actenough already?

now they have to sell products they pretend to like or use?

strangely enough, their voices are dubbed.

Mm... maybe Jack Neo should do a new movie where the actors act as real actors to act like they don't act enough and call it...

MONEY NOT ENOUGH ACTUALLY!!!what about that donkey on a parachute to promote tourism Mexico or something?

that's an Ad that made News .

wow. a 2 in 1!

all this AND more on local TV.

maybe i should just get out more.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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