Hype & Dunloop back on the road again! After their successful SoulClap! Asia Tour two months ago through China, Vietnam, Cambodia & Singapore, it's time for new adventures. The tour will be supported by the berlin based Hip Hop Stützpunkt and DJ Uri (Start from Scratch - Bombay) 09.12. Delhi - Circa 119310.12. Pune - The One Lounge17.12. Mumbai - Bonobo21.12. Powai - IIT Moog Indigo College Fest21.12. Mumbai - Blue Frog http://soulclapindia2011.tumblr.com/„INDO-GERMAN HIP HOP & URBAN ART PROJECT 2011-2012“ is a project within the framework of “GERMANY + INDIA 2011‐2012: Infinite Opportunities”in cooperation with- the German Federal Foreign Office- the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA)- the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research- and the Goethe-Institute.
Stamp Out Reality