終于推出了!!,,經歷了一段專輯概念,作詞譜曲,封面設計種種的埋頭苦幹下,我們的第二專輯 《SHOWHAND》出爐了。。
最重要是特别感谢所有在这张 《SHOWHAND》专辑抽时间帮忙的朋友,以及一直支持我们音乐的朋友。期望今次能够给大家一个惊喜,最后希望大家会支持和喜欢这张 《SHOWHAND》专辑,一定要支持正版哦!
FINALLY IT'S OUT!! After putting on our thinking cap for a long time, we finally developed the concept, lyrics, melody, cover designs etc. for our second long awaited album; SHOWHAND !
During this period, we have gone through many hardships to make ends meet. For example: time constrain, recording, [if gte mso 10]> <![endif]
pronounciation, lyrics, design, image etc. All these are the subjects we need to be very cautious on finishing these works. The most important subject is financial constrain that makes all these even more difficult for us. Yet, we still want to do our best and make it a great one.
Of course, without the helping HANDS from our friends and supporter, we would never have make it happen. We hope our efforts and time spent on SHOWHANDwill give you all a great surprise! Also hope you will SHOW us you HANDs by buying original copy of SHOWHAND! "Show me you hands!"
respect the creation of the music.dosen`t matter it can go how far or how fast,but the most important point is--are you doing it with your heart?