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Racks 2nd Anniversary

Congrats to the Rack's Boys

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Taking it too literally

Read an artical at the airport today about peoples perception to blogs and column pieces. It talked about how now a days people don't like to think deep and just like to take things exactly as how it is written. Because of this, writters have changed the way they write for readers to understand their pieces better.

People that like to write, tend to write with a hidden message or with a 'topic'.

I like to do both but some how I too have found that people take it to literally and read everything word for wor...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


Longman dictionary's definition of mean:

Mean (Adjective) -Cruel, not kind, insensitive, inconsiderate

Mean ≠Love

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Happy place

In a happy place rite now n have learned to let things go.

The best 'play dead' dog trick ever! Enjoy!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DalB-CvO7Qc

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Vicious cycle

 Once problem solved and another emerges!

Its a vicious cycle!

The circle of trust is...

Went to the beach on Monday n did absolutly nothing but made me think even more. I wish I had a switch for my brain. Here's a few snap that I took to take my mind off things

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接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Men r so thick

Had a chat with a high school friend of mine in Vancouver about his relationship. And I just realize that most guys have the same problem...they don't know how to making their gf's feel wanted.

He told me the story about how his gf got upset cuz he always made her make decisions. He said he made her make decisions cuz he wanted to do whatever makes her happy. She got upset with the fact that it seems like he doesn't care enough to even make decisions for 'their' behalf.

Most of the time a girl just wants to ...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

PDA aka Public Display of Affection

Caught the MTR to Central today to meet up with a friend n saw a couple making out in the train.

I honestly think that a certain amount of PDA is acceptable. Holding hands, a quick peck on the lips, hugging and maybe even ear nibbling is okay. But when it comes to full on sucking face, inappropriate crotch grabbing or grinding...its absolutely not acceptable.

Showing PDA is good thing. It just shows the couple is in love and I just love looking at how people give eye contact cuz eye contact can show so much...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Much appriciated

Thank you everyone for the b-day wishes!

Thank you Abby for the present, cuppy cakes and the sweet sweet letter! U just gave me the best b-day I've ever had...EVER!

Mark...man!! Thank you so much for the effort in everything! For actually taking time to come and the effort on wrapping the presents! I know the 2 hrs u were there...u had to make it up with cutting ur sleep time in half.

Everyone else thanks for simply just being there

Again 'its my party I can cry if I want to!!!' Hahahaaa

*N...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

What not to ask...

Here's a hint for both sexes

When it comes to present giving time...don't ask the person ur getting the present for on what he/she wants.

Here's why:

  1. Gift giving is about how much u care about this person and how well u know this person. When u ask it beats the whole purpose.

  2. A gift is about the sentimental value not the actual value. Once u ask the person what they want the sentimental value is completely gone.

  3. Once you open your mouth and ask what the person wan...Read more

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean (1931-1955)


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
March 18, 2008