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Mancy Cheng
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What not to ask...

Here's a hint for both sexes

When it comes to present giving time...don't ask the person ur getting the present for on what he/she wants.

Here's why:

  1. Gift giving is about how much u care about this person and how well u know this person. When u ask it beats the whole purpose.

  2. A gift is about the sentimental value not the actual value. Once u ask the person what they want the sentimental value is completely gone.

  3. Once you open your mouth and ask what the person wants it only shows that ur lazy and don't care enough to actually think on ur own. U might think that ur asking just to get this person something he/she likes but the receiver might think otherwise.

Here are 2  things that should never be given as gifts:

  1. Cash! Unless ur giving it to ur own flesh and blood, ur grandchild, ur parents or to a newly wed on their wedding banquet, this is not an acceptable gift. (Unless its a huge sum and the person ur giving it to is a sad broke ass friend or ur giving it to a mistress then its this rule does not apply)

  2. Gift vouchers. I can't explain how wrong this is...it shows lack of everything n there's only one type of people that would give out gift vouchers...a lazy ass mutha fuckas (pardon my language)

As gay as this sounds...gift giving is an art. It's about getting someone an item that he/she will like and perhaps can keep/remember/use for a long time. Presents does not it needs to be an actual item, it could be doing something for the receiver. Such as a nice dinner, organizing a party, a massage, a memorable text message/email, etc.

So in conclusion...DON'T ASK THE PERSON UR GIVING A PRESENT TO ON WHAT THEY WANT! Cheating is permitted though...like asking a friend for help, reading the persons blog for tips/hints, or finding ways to trick the person to tell u want they want.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
Boo I prefer money as my birthday gift hehe. Prolly cuz I'm a sad broke ass, and no one ever gets me anything I'd really want hehe. But yeah giving gifts is hard, I always try to make the gift special when I actually give out gifts. And gotta make sure it's not just some cheap junk that the persons gonna be more burdened getting than if they'd got nothing in the first place.
about 16 years ago


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean (1931-1955)

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