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Seriously what is the deal?

What has the world come to? Is the Vatican out of their mind? First Botex Preist and now Stripper Nun? Whats gonna happen next Michael Jackson as the Pope? Britney Spears as the archbishop?

I don't believe in a high supreme bring but damn that's just messed up!

Like a prayer: The Italian nun who spent 20 years as a lapdancer

By Nick Pisa Last updated at 11:01 PM on 03rd April 2009

A lapdancer has opted for the most dramatic of 'career' changes and become a nun. 

Anna Nobili, 38, spent 20 years performing in strip clubs across Europe.

Deciding she wanted more out of life, Miss Nobili has joined the order of the Sister Workers of the Holy House of Nazareth.


Anna Nobili

Dancer for God: Anna Nobili (pictured now) spent 20 years as a lapdancer

Next week she will be in Rome to perform a ballet called Holy Dance, dedicated to episodes from the Bible, for senior cardinals and bishops.

Sister Anna, originally from Milan, says she was 'inspired' during a visit to the shrine of St Francis in Assisi.

Yesterday she said: 'I was throwing away my life dancing for men. I was being used as a drug by people who wanted to see me dance.

'But now my life has changed, I have been reborn. I have never given up dancing but now I dance for God.

'I am like St Paul who was converted on the road to Damascus.'

Sister Anna added: 'I really liked my old life. I was at the centre of looks but then I realised I was throwing my life, my body and my sexuality away. 

'The nights were dark, they were filled with evil, with sex and with drugs.'

'Now I use dance as a form of prayer - through dance I enter into harmony with the Word of God.'

Anna Nobili

Anna now puts on shows for cardinals and bishops called Holy Dance which is inspired by stories from the Bible

'I would dance nonstop in another disco. I would even go to places outside Milan, for example, Amsterdam, where I would stay for four or five days.

'Then one day I went to Assisi and I was struck by how beautiful the sky was.

'I saw something fluorescent within the clouds, a cascade of colour and I felt the presence of God, the Creator.

'I started dancing and people were looking at me - I got on the train back to Milan and I felt as if God was in me.

'It was such an emotional moment - when I looked at myself in the train toilet mirror I didn't recognise myself.

'It was a transfiguration - I danced in the club one more night and the men were just looking at me, trying to take me to bed and I knew that was my goodbye.

'I called my boss and I said to him I found a new clean treasure and it was God.'

Sister Anna is due to dance on Tuesday at the Holy Cross in Jerusalem Basilica in Rome on Tuesday where among the guests will be archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Vatican's Cultural Department.

The dance programme is called La Bibbia Giorno e Notte (The Bible Night and Day).


接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Yeah don't see anything wrong with it. She was a stripper now wants to be a nun. Woulda been more interesting if she'd been a nun and a stripper at the same time for the past 20 years hehe. Although I'm kinda suprised she lasted as a stripper for 20 years...that's a long time for a stripper/lapdancer to be working.
接近 16 年 ago


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