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Dude y would u do that?

Man uses nail clippers in DIY circumcision

A man who gave himself a DIY circumcision using nail clippers was taken to

hospital for emergency treatment.


Published: 9:00AM BST 30 Jun 2009

Nail clippers: Man uses nail clippers in DIY circumcision

Nail clippers: 'This is something we would advise men never to attempt,' a medic saidThe young man had to be rushed to the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. The wound was disinfected to cleanse it before he was given a bed in an observation ward.

"This is something we would advise men never to attempt," a medic said, "The results can be quite horrific and long-lasting and have quite an affect on a man's sexual performance."Using a pair of nail clippers must have caused excruciating pain, even if he had had a few drinks beforehand."

In April last year a leading brain surgeon used a £30 DIY drill to carry out a successful operation on a fully conscious patient.

Henry Marsh used a Bosch PSR960 cordless drill because he did not have his normal equipment on him.

But Mr Marsh had to use the drill because he was on a trip to Ukraine in Eastern Europe to help people let down by a vastly inadequate health system.

Halfway through the operation to remove the tumour from Marian Dolishny's head, the power ran out.

Thankfully the neurosurgeon, who normally practises at St George's Hospital in Tooting, south, London, was able the complete the operation and save a life. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/5694913/Man-uses-nail-clippers-in-DIY-circumcision.html

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
Ow...people are crazy. Everyone knows when you want to do a DIY circumcision you use a table saw...ouch jk by the way heh.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, i never thought about trying that... thanks for putting the idea in my head.... :-P
over 15 years ago


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