Official Artist
Mai Shoji
MC / Show Host , Singer
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I’m fulfilled to see so many happy faces? The 5th Ningen concert was a huge success??‍♀️?✨ 稲敷市の小学校6校の皆さん、市議会議員の皆様、一般参加の皆様、関係者の皆様、本当にありがとうございました‼️ . 小学5.6年生の皆の書いた中から選ばれた6つの詩を #東海林良 が歌詞にし、 #保坂修平 さんが曲を作り、歌となって発表されました♫ 感動の企画?(©️Shoji Ryo Enterprise) Musicianの皆様も素晴らしかったです〜❣️ . I enjoyed MCing in front of 500 elementary school students! 6 beautiful poems written by these students were chosen to reborn as 6 original songs. Children are so pure hearted and honest...? They were extremely shy in the beginning but gave us a standing ovation at the end and sang along with us?

@shuhosaka on ? @riekodera on ?

ShihoAbe on percussion

Urban Saxophone Quartet on ? @ka0ri.it0 on vocals

滝本真己 on opera soprano @ Inashiki-shi, Ibaraki, Japan

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November 27, 2007