本当に感動しました?1番良い席を用意して下さった上に、パンフレットに自分の名がいくつも…?皆さんの美しい歌声と素晴らしい振り付けに、発音指導後の特訓の成果に鳥肌が収まらなかった! リトルキャロルは六本木ヒルズのクリスマスコンサートにも毎年参加しているので皆さんも是非見に来て下さい!! Today was Little Carol's concert. Not only they gave me the best seat ever, I was shaken to my core. At the same time, was so proud of all of them and also proud of myself for having the honor to write their songs' English lyrics and coach them pronunciation over the course of their practices. They're the best chorus group in Japan.