Just got a clay bowl and two red coloured china fish for my Leaf....yup it start to have two baby leafs already and i just wanted to make the whole think look nice....check it out....its not very nice at the moment but when the leafs grew up then its another story trust me...
Sub Zero....Icey....all the best condition to serve the almighty Coca Cola. Believe it or not, HK started a Freeze Up Coke vendor machine, which is a bottle of coke with a little surprise.
Freshly come out of the machine, its still in liquid form, then when you take the cap off, it will freeze up just like that....wow. Actually it just an old school fun. You also could get this done at home, but the trick is, the temperature control of the machine, which is not an easy thing to do so they worth a compliment Read more
Free Some Captured Fishes Back To The Sea With Blessing In The Morning......And A Coconut Flavoured Shisha With Bro At Night.....Live In The Present Moment.....Namo Amitabha
粵劇粵曲對很多讀者來說是一件很遙遠的事情,似乎是上一世紀遺物,只有年過八十的公公婆婆才感興趣的一種娛樂。但事實上,粵曲亦有其年青愛好者的,當中有些是觀眾有些是表演者,充當了此文文化的新血,令這文化繼續申延續下去。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
醜: 醜怪仔
M: 作為一位小丑? 到底需要多少樣[技能]膀身呢? 例如魔術、雜耍、扭氣球等等缺一不可嗎?你又有多少樣技能徬身呢?
醜: 以我做小丑多年,我覺得小丑係可以咩(技能)都唔識都得,好似Charlie Chaplin及Mr. Bean咁,人...Read more
Well I dont really have much so called art sense and design skill but I love to mess with things....especially things related with food or left overs since I am small haha....just happen to play around with paper cups this afternoon and snap a few.....pls dont start firing, this is just some daily shit I do ok......dont hate
N...Read more
**[Fly like a paper, high like a plane] exhibition
[看高一點.開心一點] 創意藝術展**
由六位香港本地藝術家為鼓勵大家而展出獨特作品, 特別提下個老友 Draculatoki aka 茶色金魚 (Patrick_Lui) 亦係其中一位參與嘅藝術家, 今次活動係慈善性質, 免費入場, 唔該拖行人一齊去睇啦, 宣揚香港力量....HONG KONG POWER!! 睇完重可以去上面個幾層FOOD COURT吃反個飯....重有個空中花園....帶個女朋友去特顯你有品味呵呵呵呵
2009年4月27日 12:00 - 2009年5月17日 22:00
地點 :
L1 Entrance Arena, New Town Plaz...Read more
文: 文地貓
M: 為甚麼在眾多竉物之中,唯獨對貓如此著迷?
文: 小時家住唐樓,後梯常有貓咪叫,但當時的我,對貓咪沒感覺的。長大了,街上見到貓,會不其然多望幾眼,後來漸漸會跟他們喵喵地對話,有時更會忍不住撫摸他們。我想,我是被他們優雅又高傲的姿態、時而溫柔時而冷酷的眼神所吸引。某程度上,他們跟人很相似啊。
M: 何時開始飼養第一隻小貓呢? 現時家中飼養了多少隻貓?
文: 年開始擁有第一頭小貓...Read more
師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!