The Circle
The heavens drizzle and flashes ashen gray
The commuters freeze in confused unison
As the hap hazardous traffic clout chaos
Still the sun shines
As the birds fly
I'm over being over.
A man lies languidly,homelessly
Another struts by immaculately
As winter opposes spring
So do movies with James Dean
Juxtapose a Steinway's keys
I'm over being over.
The Bell will still toll
The Hours will still tick
As will Pride with Prejudice
So will Sense and Sensibility
With such Great Expectations.
I'm over being over.
Lambs will squeal ceaselessly
From such bloodied slaughterhouses
As eagles-hawks brutalize their prey
Sons are fathers and sons again
So will roses bloom in May
I'm over being over.
Life and Death will whirl
In such simple basic cycles
As close as Love is to Hate
As true as Wuthering Heights
Of love and pain in Murakami
I'm over being over.
For my best friend Eliza for her loyalty and support over the years.
Be inspired and inspire.