Consume Me
Pitch black,crisp winds,howling
Outside beams a starless night
The moon skulks in steathly fear
Red Red Red
Paints the sky and my portrait
Chaos rage and silence screams
That is when I saw you
The ghost of my desire
The double,a mirror of no reflection
Echoes the whispers in my ear
I'm here, you say, real real real.
My heart beats like a boisterous storm
Upheaval in a medieval battle
A prisoner to my mind,my disenchanted soul
Yet,you break the spellbound curse
And the shackles of yoke with a fitful gnash
Brandishing a sword among swords
Iron,double edged like Arthur's Excalibur
Almost surreal,like you.
I'm here, u whisper.
Ghost of my desire,lover in a masquerade
Find me in my multiple disguises
Shedding every facade like a falling cascade
Show yourself to my worthy angst
As I taunt you in battle royale
Your phantom spectre catches me still
Strangles me in your powerful embrace
Spinning spinning spinning
Into a myriad of confusion
Into darkness,into dimensions
I'm here, you whisper.
PS: Hi guys,my lyrics are slightly different from my poetry. For the purpose of my songs,sometimes they depart from my usual style. My poetry embarks on a rebellious new age style.
Be inspired and inspire.